Tamil Nadu Education Board will announce the Time Table for 2012-13 Academic Year's Time Table by the month of January 2013.
As per the latest information the SSLC Exams will fall on 2nd or 3rd week of March 2013, while the +2 Exams starts by 1st week of March 2013.
For a Second Time the SSLC exam is going to be conducted under the Tamil nadu Government's new Samacheer Kalvi syllabus.
The Education Board ready to implement many new Procedures to avoid the many problems that were occurred in beginning of the +1 classes last year, In which the SSLC exam started on April 4,2012 and ended on 23rd April 2012.
As per the latest information the SSLC Exams will fall on 2nd or 3rd week of March 2013, while the +2 Exams starts by 1st week of March 2013.
For a Second Time the SSLC exam is going to be conducted under the Tamil nadu Government's new Samacheer Kalvi syllabus.
The Education Board ready to implement many new Procedures to avoid the many problems that were occurred in beginning of the +1 classes last year, In which the SSLC exam started on April 4,2012 and ended on 23rd April 2012.
*All the best Students*
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